
Thursday, April 27, 2006

No Reservations

I was just surfing through news channels on Wednesday 26th April. Almost all the channels had the medical students agitation as their top story. Im not much of a news person to comment on that, but its a debate which needs to carry on. Most of us in our late twenties, we were in school or even younger when the Mandal politics began. At that time , all we understood was that something had gone horribly wrong and our future would be in jeopardy. But now most of us have gone through the grind and more or less settled in our own professions.

Keeping the past in perspective, one must keep in mind that its the OBC's, SC's and ST's form the majority of the country. Is there actually anything wrong in Arjun Singh giving them more reservation ? My initial response would be a vehement yes. But afterthoughts make you start thinking. I come from one of the villages in the outskirts of Kanpur district in Uttar Pradesh. I was lucky enough that my parents gave me good education so I can earn a good living. But whenever I go back home and see my playmates with whom I shared almost everything as a kid. I get the sense of a deep divide between us. Because they were not so well off, they are doing whatever little they can to earn their living. When I try to strike a conversation with them, they seem to be ill at ease, and thats when the feeling of division creeps in. For all I know, they may be hating me for it. Despite my honest intentions, its possible some may think Im just talking to them to rub it in or make them feel inferior.

My gut feeling is that we cant stop the inevitable, reservations are here to stay, and why not ? Most people from villages do not have the kind of access we have. If they are given the same opportunity, theres no reason why they shouldnt be rubbing shoulders with the best. So many bright kids have had their studious fire doused by the need to survive and earn a living. We need to realise that they are one of us. If we could play with them and be best of friends in our childhood, then its disheartening to know we moved ahead only because we had the finances and they didnt. After all every now and then, we do hear of some success stories in small towns.

The IIM's and the IIT's need to move to other countries to earn that valuable foreign exchange. This needs to be pumped into the domestic circuit for more seats in schools and colleges. If we can double the number of seats in most places, then we will have almost nullified the Mandal effect. If I were to do an agitation today, it would be for increasing the number of seats in educational institutions rather than against reservation. This will not only blur the caste divide between the youth, but all of us together can create more pressure, forcing Mr Arjun Singh to yield. Its high time we sent a message to politicians that the Britishers have long gone and so should their divide and rule policy, because united we stand.